Stevens Point Zoning Attorney

Find the right Zoning Planning & Land Use attorney in Stevens Point, WI

Zoning Planning & Land Use Law in Wisconsin

Stevens Point, Wisconsin has a fairly large number of laws that dictate how particular plots of real estate can and cannot be used, and what can and can't be built on them, and these laws aren't always easy to follow. This article won't make you an authority on the subject, but should introduce you to some of the most crucial concepts in zoning law.

"Zoning" is the process by which a local government makes laws determining how individual pieces of land within its jurisdiction can be used. Usually, towns or cities are segmented off into "zones," each one being designated for a specific type of use. Examples of common zoning categories are single family residence, commercial, multi-unit housing, or industrial.

The purpose of zoning is to preserve property values, and make towns and cities more livable. For example, without zoning laws, a company might be able to buy a vacant lot next to your house and build a noisy, smelly, dirty factory on it.

Zoning laws don't exist just to protect residential use - it also protects people who engage in other types of use of land, by making sure that they are able to do their business, without bothering neighboring landowners, and thereby avoiding legal disputes.

Possible Outcomes of Boundary and Title Disputes in Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Suppose you find that some condition on your land is in violation of Stevens Point, Wisconsin's zoning laws. In cases like this, you have quite a few options.

First, and perhaps most obviously, you can correct the violation. If the violation is relatively minor, and correcting it would not cost you much or be a significant burden, this might be the best way to go.

But what happens if you've invested a large amount of effort and money into improving your land, and you later discover that you've committed some relatively minor zoning violation? You are generally entitled to seek what is known as a "variance" in these cases. A variance is simply when your local government makes a small exception to the zoning rules to accommodate a small violation that would be difficult to fix. A variance will usually be granted if the violation doesn't harm anyone, and enforcing Stevens Point, Wisconsin's zoning laws to the letter would not, in this case, advance their purposes.

You also have significant protections if a zoning law changes, and you find that the land you've been living on for years is suddenly in violation of the new law. In general, zoning laws cannot apply to structures and uses which were built or commenced before the law was changed. Under the U.S. Constitution, it's not permissible for state or local governments to pass laws which have retroactive effect. You should know, however, that any future changes you make to your property will have to comply with the new zoning law.

What Can A Stevens Point, Wisconsin Attorney Do?

If you are in the process of physically altering your property, you are almost certain to face some issues having to do with local zoning laws. If you find that zoning laws are making it very difficult to use your property as you see fit, you may have legal recourse, usually in the form of a variance. Of course, your chances of success in any zoning dispute will be immeasurably increased if you have the help of a qualified Stevens Point, Wisconsin attorney.

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Life in Stevens Point

Stevens Point is the largest city in the county of Portage County, Wisconsin. As the county seat, it has a population of about 25,000 and was incorporated in 1858. The city was named after its founder, George Stevens. Stevens was a supply trade businessman whose store served the numerous loggers in the area.

Geographically, Stevens Point is located in the center of Wisconsin. This makes it an ideal city for both business and residential endeavors. Several large corporations have their headquarters in the city, including the Donaldson Company, Associated Bank, and AIG Travel Guard. Also, the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, and Mid-State Technical College are located in the city.

Residents of Stevens Point typically enjoy a wide mix of activities, with a multitude of city services being offered in sports and the arts. Retail and entertainment also form a large part of the city's economy. Festivities include the Portage County Cultural Festival and a Fourth of July Riverfront Rendezvous. A little bit of trivia: the world's largest trivia contest is held every April in Stevens Point, and lasts over 50 hours straight.

Lawyers in Stevens Point, Wisconsin usually file their claims with one of the Wisconsin Municipal Courts, or at the Portage County Circuit Court. Regardless of the type of legal issues, Stevens Point lawyers offer services to address your specific concerns.

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