Landlord and Tenant Lawyers in Cambridge

Find the right Tenant attorney in Cambridge, MD

Tenant Law in Maryland

Relations between tenants and landlords in Cambridge, Maryland can occasionally be touchy. The fact is that it's not easy to be a landlord or a tenant, particularly because landlords and tenants often don't understand the legal rights and responsibilities that apply to them.

Landlords and tenants have to navigate a web of legal rights and commitments. It's essential that the parties to a landlord/tenant relationship know what obligations they have to one another.

Landlord's Rights in Cambridge, MD

First and foremost, landlords have a right to timely payment of rent from their tenants, at the agreed-upon rate. This, of course, imposes on tenants a duty to pay their rent in whole, in a timely manner.

Also, landlords have a right to be compensated for damage a tenant causes to a rented unit, either intentionally or negligently. Landlords have a right to deduct repair costs from tenants' security deposits, unless the damage was caused by usual wear and tear, for which tenants are not liable.

Tenant's Rights in Cambridge, MD

Tenants, most essentially, have a right to a habitable apartment. After all, this is what they're paying for. Cambridge, Maryland landlords are obligated to see that the units they rent to tenants are fit to be lived in by people. Many different defects might render an apartment uninhabitable, such as serious infestations and other problems with sanitation, lack of running water or electricity, or failure to provide adequate protection from the outside elements.

Furthermore, tenants are entitled to common areas which are reasonably safe and clean, and free of physical obstacles. Areas such as lobbies, hallways, stairwells, and fire escapes must comply with the building codes of Cambridge, Maryland. Furthermore, any other unreasonable safety hazard, even if it doesn't violate a specific provision of a building code, can create liability for the landlord if it injures a tenant.

A tenant also has a right, under federal law and the laws of Maryland to be free from discrimination in housing based on race, color, national origin, religion, or gender. Landlords can also not discriminate against persons with disabilities, and must make reasonable accommodations for those disabilities.

And lastly, most state laws prevent landlords from arbitrarily evicting tenants. If the lease agreement is for a set period of time, the landlord generally can't evict the tenant until the lease expires, without a good reason. Valid causes for eviction include unpaid rent, illegal activities on the property, damage to the building caused by the tenant, and excessive noise.

Can a Cambridge, Maryland Landlord/Tenant Lawyer Help?

Landlords and tenants generally want to avoid conflict with one another. Nonetheless, conflicts are sometimes unavoidable. If you end up in a major dispute with a landlord or a tenant, a reputable Cambridge, Maryland landlord/tenant attorney can help.

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Life in Cambridge

Cambridge, Maryland is a city of about 11,000 residents. It is located in Dorchester County.

Cambridge, Maryland was first settled by English settlers in 1684, making it one of the oldest colonial cities in Maryland. After settlement, the area became an important tobacco growing center, and then diversified into other forms of agriculture.

In the mid-1960s, Cambridge, Maryland was a major hub of the American Civil Rights Movement.

Modernly, Cambridge is a relatively quiet, small town. However, in 2002, it received a major economic boost in the forms of tourism, employment, and convention attendance, with the construction of a large Hyatt resort on Chesapeake Bay.

Cambridge is also the beneficiary of a state program designed to revitalize and restore the downtown areas of many cities, returning them to their past place as the heart of a city's business community, because so much business activity has moved to the outskirts of cities.

Cambridge is a 90-minute drive from Baltimore, making it an attractive option for people who want easy access to the excitement of a big city, with the ability to go home to a small town.

Cambridge, Maryland lawyers need to be competent to handle many different types of legal issues. Legal issues can pop up when they're least expected, and often have to be dealt with as quickly as possible. A Cambridge, Maryland lawyer can make sure that this happens.

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