Landlord and Tenant Lawyers in Methuen

Find the right Tenant attorney in Methuen, MA

Tenant Law in Massachusetts

Relations between tenants and landlords in Methuen, Massachusetts can sometimes be touchy. The fact is that it's not easy to be a landlord or a tenant, especially because landlords and tenants often don't understand the legal rights and responsibilities that apply to them.

There are several rights and responsibilities that landlords and tenants have. It's important that each party is aware of their rights, and the rights of the other party. By knowing and respecting these rights, the risk of conflict should be reduced dramatically.

Landlord's Rights in Methuen, MA

Landlords are, of course, entitled to collect rent from their tenants. If a tenant fails to pay the agreed-upon rent, the landlord is normally able to evict the tenant without too much trouble, though the process can sometimes get fairly complicated.

Additionally, landlords have a right to be compensated for damage a tenant causes to a rented unit, either intentionally or negligently. Landlords have a right to deduct repair costs from tenants' security deposits, unless the damage was caused by normal wear and tear, for which tenants are not responsible.

Tenant's Rights in Methuen, MA

Tenants, most basically, have a right to a habitable apartment. After all, this is what they're paying for. Methuen, Massachusetts landlords are obligated to see that the units they rent to tenants are fit to be lived in by people. Many numerous defects might render an apartment uninhabitable, such as serious infestations and other problems with sanitation, lack of running water or electricity, or failure to provide adequate protection from the outside elements.

Tenants also have a right to ensure that the common areas of their apartment building are reasonably safe. Landlords are required to make sure that the common areas of their buildings meet Methuen, Massachusetts's building codes, and that there are no conditions that create unnecessary safety hazards. They are required to make, at their own expense, the proper repairs.

Under federal and Massachusetts law, tenants are also entitled to protection against discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, marital status, or gender. Such discrimination can lead to severe civil penalties against the landlord. Landlords additionally cannot discriminate against tenants based on physical disability, and have to make reasonable accommodations for physically disabled tenants. For example, they have to allow disabled tenants to make minor physical alterations to the unit (at the tenant's expense) to make it more accessible. Now, they don't need to allow the tenants to have the building remodeled. We're just talking about things like installing handrails in the bathroom, and similar things. The landlord can, however, require tenants to restore the apartment to its original condition, at the tenant's expense, once the tenant leaves.

Finally, tenants are legally protected from arbitrary eviction. Landlords usually must have a very good reason to evict a tenant before the lease agreement reaches the end of its term (at this point, they are of course allowed to decline to renew the lease). Of course, if the tenant breaches the lease agreement (such as by failing to pay rent, damaging the property, or violating other reasonable rules the landlord has put in the lease), the landlord, like a party to any other contract, is free to terminate the agreement and evict the breaching tenant.

Can a Methuen, Massachusetts Landlord/Tenant Lawyer Help?

Landlords and tenants typically prefer to avoid getting into fights with one another, for discernible reasons. A harmonious relationship is profitable for everyone involved. To that end, the advice of a good Methuen, Massachusetts landlord/tenant attorney can help defuse arguments before they become too serious.

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Life in Methuen

Methuen, Massachusetts is a city in Essex County. It has a population of approximately 45,000 people.

The city was founded in 1642, around the time when England was working very hard to colonize North America, particularly the region now known as New England.

Methuen is located about 30 miles away from Boston, making that city easily accessible for people who live in Methuen, but work in Boston, or who simply want to visit the city.

Methuen boasts a large historical district, which contains many important historical landmarks. The district was created in 1992 to preserve the "Searles Tenney Nevins Historic District" because it was viewed as one of the most distinctive neighborhoods in Massachusetts, and worthy of preservation. Visitors and residents alike are to visit many points of historical interest, such as the music hall, memorial library, and the Urias Hardy House.

Methuen has an active legal community, which is always ready to serve the legal needs of Methuen, Massachusetts residents. Methuen, Massachusetts lawyers can probably handle nearly any case that a resident of Methuen might have.

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