Holyoke Boundary Dispute Lawyers and Holyoke Title Attorneys

Find the right Title & Boundary Dispute attorney in Holyoke, MA

Title & Boundary Dispute Law in Massachusetts

If you know that you and your neighbor's use of your respective properties do not reflect the legal property lines, this can cause a problem.

Sometimes, neighbors will decide amongst themselves that the issue isn't worth fighting over, and will go on as they did before. This is especially likely if the neighbors are on good terms, and the difference between their use of the land, and the actual property lines, is small (say, a few feet or less). This is an ideal situation, at least in the short term. It can, nonetheless, cause problems in the future - preventing a neighbor from enforcing the actual property lines, if they suddenly have a reason to do so.

Consequently, neighbors more frequently end up in some type of legal dispute over whether and to what extent the property lines should be enforced. Obviously, when the property lines are changed, one neighbor wins, and the other loses. It should come as no surprise, then, that legal fights are often the result.

In Holyoke, Massachusetts, property can also be the subject of title disputes, rather than boundary disputes described above. These types of disagreements stem from disagreements over who owns a piece of property. Confusion in this area is more prevalent than one might think. If a deed is improperly recorded, land can be "owned" by 2 people simultaneously. Even more troublesome is when land is "sold" to more than one person. This is typically inadvertent, but some people do it deliberately, hoping to abscond the profits acquired by selling the same thing twice. In cases like this, a court has to determine which buyer owns the land. This is a big deal, considering how unlikely it is that a defrauded buyer could get his or her money back.

Possible Outcomes of Boundary and Title Disputes in Holyoke, Massachusetts

One way to resolve boundary disputes is to simply re-draw the property lines to reflect what the neighbors thought they were all along. When this happens, nobody's case changes, and it's usually considered a neutral result (causing no significant loss or gain to either party). This is often done if both of the neighbors knew about the actual property lines for many years, and didn't do anything about it. A court might also take this course of action if enforcing the property lines would impose a substantial hardship on one of the parties, not outweighed by the overall benefits of doing so.

Nonetheless, a court might also enforce the legal property boundaries, particularly if failing to do so would place a significant burden on the owner of the encroached-upon land. If the owner of the encroaching land knew of the encroachment, and concealed it from his neighbor, this fact would further weigh heavily in favor of enforcing the legal property lines.

In the case of disputes over title, courts have to figure out who owns a specific piece of real property. Courts will consider many factors, and there are some complicated and (in some cases) antiquated legal issues that guide Holyoke, Massachusetts courts on these matters.

Suffice to say, you'll want the assistance of an expert on this subject. In general, however, you should know that courts almost always rule in favor of the buyer who first recorded the deed, AND (not "or") didn't have knowledge of any previous conveyances. This protects the buyer who was most diligent in vindicating his own rights, and acted in good faith (obviously, a buyer who knew about a previous sale of the same land isn't acting honestly).

What Can A Holyoke, Massachusetts Attorney Do?

The legal problems that can come up in boundary and title disputes can get very complicated. Given this fact, and the high stakes of such disputes, most people shouldn't approach these issues without good legal representation. It should therefore go without saying that the counsel of a reliable Holyoke, Massachusetts real estate attorney is essential in most of these disputes.

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Life in Holyoke

Holyoke is named for Elizur Holyoke who, in 1660, explored the area that is today incorporated into Hampden County. Holyoke is a Massachusetts city in close proximity to Springfield and has classically been a haven for Irish immigrants. Holyoke hosts the United States largest Saint Partick's Day Parade which annually attracts nearly 500,000 visitors each year. Holyoke has recently seen a vast influx of Puerto Rican and Latino immigrants yielding an annual Puerto Rican Day Parade on the third week of July. The parade is complete with food, music, and more. It's organized as part of the Annual Hispanic Family Festival which is put on by La Familia Hispana Incorporated. The festival and parade have drastically increased in popularity over time and attract Latinos from across the northeast. Holyoke is called home by a number of lawyers as well. Holyoke lawyers are familiar with local Hampden County courts and advise on a variety of cases.  

Holyoke maintains a number of year-round attractions as well. Some of the attractions include the Holyoke Cana System, Mount Tom, shopping at Holyoke Mall, trails like Metacomet-Monadnock Trail, a collegiate baseball team, and most notably the Dinosaur Footprints Reservation where visitors can see perfectly preserved footprints from prehistoric dinosaurs along the Connecticut River. 

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