Skokie Commercial Real Estate Lawyers

Find the right Commercial Real Estate attorney in Skokie, IL

Commercial Real Estate Law in Illinois

In Skokie, Illinois, commercial real estate is any form of real property (land or permanent structures) being utilized for business purposes.

The laws in Skokie, Illinois which regulate commercial real estate differ considerably from the laws governing the rental and purchase of residential real estate.

People who buy and rent residential unites have a higher deal of legal protections not available to buyers of commercial property.

These absent protections include rent control, and warranties of habitability, among others. The most general protections, such as prohibiting sellers of real estate from lying regarding the property to the buyer, apply in any context, however.

Common Commercial Real Estate Law Issues in Skokie, Illinois

Financing: Some small businesses in Skokie, Illinois find it necessary, at some point, to purchase a piece of real estate, for various reasons. Nonetheless, most owners of small to medium-sized businesses can't afford to make a real estate purchase up front, with the cash they have on hand. Simply put, very few individuals have hundreds of thousands of dollars just sitting in the bank. One solution to this is a mortgage, which is similar to most other forms of secured loans: a bank lends you money, and you put up some piece of property as collateral, so the bank has some security in the event of default. With a mortgage, however, the property being purchased with the loan also secures the loan, authorizing the bank to foreclose on it in case the buyer defaults.

Disclosure of Defects: Sellers of real estate have an requirement to inform prospective buyers of any defects present in the property, such as water damage and other structural problems. Essentially, if the defect is significant enough that it might affect a reasonable buyer's decision on whether or not to purchase the property, and the seller knows about it, it must be disclosed. Failure to disclose such defects would give a buyer the right to sue the seller, and recover substantial damages, including the cost of repairing the defect, compensation for any injuries or illness caused by it, and the reduction in the property's value caused by the defect.

Buyer's Duty to Inspect: usually, buyers of commercial real estate are expected to inspect the property before buying it. A failure to do so might prevent the buyer from prevailing in a lawsuit if he is injured by physical defects that an inspection would have revealed, and that the seller didn't know about.

Encumbrances: An encumbrance is some small ownership interest in land held by a third party, or some right held by a third party to restrict the use of a parcel of land. A typical encumbrance is an easement. In Skokie, Illinois, an easement is some right of some third party to make limited use of land owned by someone else. For instance, cable companies often purchase easements from property owners (or they are imposed by the government) allowing them to string cable wiring from the telephone wires on the street to nearby houses. Like any other property right, the holder of an easement can prevent others from interfering with it. Obviously, if a buyer doesn't know about an encumbrance on a piece of land, he might find that he's unable to make the use of the land that he was expecting.

Can a Skokie, Illinois Attorney Help?

The issues surrounding commercial real estate in Skokie, Illinois can get fairly complex. Therefore, it's never a bad idea to have the assistance of an efficient commercial real estate attorney.

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Life in Skokie

The picturesque town of Skokie, Illinois is located just sixteen miles from the state capital of Chicago, and twelve miles from Chicago O'Hare International airport. Comprised of 10.2 square miles, Skokie is a popular town for city workers to live in, and was awarded the Illinois "Governor's Award" as well as being recognized as an "All American City" by the National Civil League.

Out of the entire country, Skokie was the first community to have a nationally accredited fire, police and public works department -- a distinction that places Skokie as a model city to many others inside and outside of the state. With all the awards and attention, it is no wonder that Skokie was named one of the 80 fastest growing suburbs in the nation.

Also on the rise in Skokie are lawyers. Whether working in Chicago or Skokie, local lawyers are skilled in anything a client may need whether it is a high stakes divorce or drafting a simple deed. Many lawyers come from the local law schools in Chicago, including University of Chicago Law School.

Skokie gets its unique name from the Native American term for fire. Skokie is home to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education center, and the city's large Jewish population makes it the only Illinois city that has more Jewish schools than Catholic schools. The North Shore Center for Performing arts is located in Skokie and provides the city with many cultural events and concerts every year.

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