Landlord and Tenant Lawyers in Pensacola

Find the right Tenant attorney in Pensacola, FL

Tenant Law in Florida

The relationship between a landlord and tenant in Pensacola, Florida can sometimes be a touchy one. Landlords and tenants are not always clear on their respective rights and responsibilities.

Landlords and tenants have to navigate a web of legal rights and obligations. It's essential that the parties to a landlord/tenant relationship know what obligations they have to one another.

Landlord's Rights in Pensacola, FL

The most important and most obvious right that a landlord has is the right to timely payment of rent from the tenant. This, of course, means that the tenant has a duty to pay rent.

Additionally, landlords can bill the tenant for any damage they cause to the unit, whether it was intentional or negligent. The costs of repairs for such damage can be deducted from a tenant's security deposit, but it should be noted that tenants aren't accountable for normal wear and tear, over which they have little control.

Tenant's Rights in Pensacola, FL

Much like landlords have a right to get paid for the service they provide, tenants have a right to get what they pay for: a suitable place to live. In Pensacola, Florida, all residential rental agreements carry an "implied warranty of habitability." This means that a landlord implicitly guarantees that any residence he or she rents will be fit for human habitation. In general, an unit will be automatically deemed uninhabitable if it lacks running water, electricity, heat, and adequate protection from the elements. There are several more factors that can be considered, as well, but those are some of the basics.

Additionally, tenants have rights to common areas that are free of physical obstructions, as well as serious health and safety hazards. Common areas are the places in apartment buildings and other residential complexes which every tenant can access, and include hallways, stairwells, and fire escapes. In Pensacola, Florida, these areas must be kept in a safe condition, at the landlord's expense.

Tenants also have rights, under federal and Florida law, to not be victims of racial, ethnic, or gender discrimination in housing, whether they are renting or buying. Additionally, landlords are not allowed to discriminate against tenants based on physical disabilities. They must also allow physically-disabled tenants to make reasonable modifications to the apartment to make it more accessible. However, the landlord can require tenants to remove those modifications and restore the property to its original condition once the tenant moves out.

Finally, tenants in most states have a right to be free from unfair eviction. Typically, lease agreements last for a set period of time, and both parties are bound by that contract. Landlords cannot arbitrarily evict clients while the lease is still in effect.

Can a Pensacola, Florida Landlord/Tenant Lawyer Help?

Landlords and tenants almost always prefer to avoid conflict. In a perfect world, tenants would pay rent on time, and landlords would always provide the services that they're being paid for. As we know, the world isn't perfect. When situations demonstrate the world's imperfection, a Pensacola, Florida real estate attorney can help, whether you're a landlord or a tenant.

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Life in Pensacola

Pensacola is one of the cities i the "Florida Panhandle" of Escambia County, Florida. The population is around 460,000 people.

What makes Pensacola a key city of Florida is that it is a sea port on the Pensacola Bay, connecting Florida to the Gulf of Mexico. Also, Pensacola is nicknamed "The City of Five Flags" because five governments (Spain, France, Great Britain, the U.S., and the Confederate States of America) have flown flags over it. Pensacola does not have just one nickname. It has many! Other nicknames include "World's Whitest Beaches," "Cradle of Naval Aviation," "Western Gate to the Sunshine State," "American's First Settlement," "Redneck Riviera," "Emerald Coast," "Red Snapper Capital of the World," and "P-Cola." From the long list of nicknames, it is evident that Pensacola is a city rich with history, innovation, and culture.

The economy primarily comprises of the health care, military, and tourism industries. As for the legal industry, Pensacola is also home to many small to mid size law firms practicing in many areas of law.

One of Pensacola's most popular attraction is the National Naval Aviation Museum. Other popular spots include the Pensacola Civic Center, Saenger Theater, and the Pensacola Opera.

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