Commercial Real Estate Law in Oklahoma

Commercial real estate is any form of land or structure in Slaughterville, Oklahoma which is utilized for business purposes, mainly the sale of goods and/or services to the public.

The laws in Slaughterville, Oklahoma which regulate commercial real estate differ considerably from the laws governing the rental and purchase of residential real estate.

Buyers and renters of residential property enjoy a considerable number of legal protections. Many of these protections don't apply to buyers or renters of commercial property.

For instance, commercial real estate typically isn't covered by rent control laws, nor does it carry with it an implied warranty of habitability (because people usually won't be living in it). Furthermore, it also doesn't come with a covenant of quiet enjoyment. However, some of the most basic legal protections (such as laws against fraud, and concealment of defects) apply in both the commercial and residential context.

Common Commercial Real Estate Law Issues in Slaughterville, Oklahoma

Financing: The majority of small business owners in Slaughterville, Oklahoma probably can't afford to buy much real estate outright, with cash paid up front, so most small business buy commercial real estate with a mortgage. A mortgage is a loan taken out for the purpose of buying real estate, using that real estate as collateral for the loan.

Concealment of Defects: Sellers and lessors of commercial real estate are under a duty to disclose any defects in the property which might impact the buyer's decision to purchase it, such as water damage, mold, or other structural problems. These defects are quite typical, and the buyer has a right to know about them. If the seller doesn't disclose these defects, where they exist, the buyer can sue for any harm this causes.

Duty to Inspect: While buyers of real estate have some substantial protections with respect to defects, they also have some obligations. Before finalizing a purchase, buyers are expected to undertake a reasonable inspection of the property, usually by using a licensed building inspector. If the buyer fails to conduct an inspection, they typically won't be able to successfully sue, if defects are discovered after the purchase.

Encumbrances: Encumbrances are defects of a different type: rather than physical defects, they are defects of title. In Slaughterville, Oklahoma, an encumbrance is an interest in a piece of real estate held by a third party, such as covenants or easements. An easement is a right held by someone to use the property of someone else for a specific purpose. For instance, a person might have an easement on the land of another person, allowing them to cross the land to access a public road.

Can a Slaughterville, Oklahoma Attorney Help?

These issues can be very complicated, and most people consider such financially-weighty decisions to be very crucial. If you are one of those people, it's a smart move to contact a Slaughterville, Oklahoma real estate attorney if you are facing any of the issues discussed above.